An Introduction
Over the last few years we’ve been commissioned to create a number of films for CL Medilaw, including videos made from old footage and photos to help their marketing through the pandemic, to short documentaries telling client stories.
Each video is shot in one day to avoid disruption to CL Medilaw clients, we use a small crew due to the raw, filming on location nature to the project. This also helps with the sensitive nature of many of the projects and helps put the interviewee at ease.
The project includes three cameras, two for the interviews, one doubles up for the gimbal and a drone. We bring a selection of LED lighting to work with challenging locations and make everyone look as good as possible. For sound we use a shotgun microphone for best quality above the interviewee and a lapel as a backup.
Below you will find a selection of films we have made with them.
Noel's Story
Noel suffered life changing injuries after a motorcycle accident. This film tells Noel and his family’s story.
The objective of this video is to attract people in similar situation’s and let them know how CL Medilaw can help.
Elan's Story
Elan doesn’t view Cerebral Palsy as anything to hold her back. This video tells her story and everything she wants to achieve.
The objective of this video is to tell people in similar situations that they can achieve anything they wish, and how CL Medilaw can help along the way.
Nigel's Story
This film tells the story of Nigel’s late wife Tina and how Nigel has managed to create a new life for himself.
The objective of this video is to explain how CL Medilaw can help in fatal situations.